Order and Checkout

Order and Checkout

The Order Summary/Checkout Page is the final step in the online shopping journey, where customers review their selected products, shipping information, and payment details before completing their purchase. This crucial stage can make or break the customer's experience and determine whether they convert into a loyal customer. In this article, we will explore the essential elements and best practices for creating an effective Order Summary/Checkout Page.

The Importance of Order Summary/Checkout

Conversion Rates: A well-designed checkout page can significantly impact your conversion rates. A smooth and user-friendly process encourages customers to complete their purchase rather than abandoning their carts.

Customer Trust: A clear and transparent checkout page builds trust with your customers. They need to feel confident that their personal and payment information is secure.

Reduced Cart Abandonment: Cart abandonment is a common issue in e-commerce. A streamlined checkout process minimises friction and decreases the likelihood of customers abandoning their carts.

Key Elements of an Effective Order Summary/Checkout
1. Clear Product Summary

At the heart of the Order Summary/Checkout Page is a comprehensive summary of the items the customer is about to purchase. This section should include:

Product Names: Clearly list the names of the products with high-quality images.

Product Details: Include information such as size, color, and quantity selected.

Price: Display the price of each item, including any discounts or promotions applied.

2. Shipping Information

The next critical component is the shipping information. Customers should easily understand where their order will be delivered and how long it will take. Ensure that this section includes:

Delivery Address: Clearly display the shipping address, allowing customers to review and edit it if necessary.

Shipping Method: Offer multiple shipping options, each with its cost and estimated delivery time.

Shipping Fees: Clearly state any shipping fees or offer free shipping for eligible orders.

3. Payment Information

This section is where customers enter their payment details. It should be secure and straightforward. Include:

Payment Methods: Accept a variety of payment options, such as credit/debit cards, digital wallets (e.g., PayPal), and other local payment methods.

Security Icons: Display security icons or trust badges to reassure customers about the safety of their payment information.

Billing Address: If different from the shipping address, provide an option for customers to enter their billing address.

4. Order Summary

Offer a concise summary of the entire order, including:

Subtotal: Display the total cost of the items in the cart before taxes and shipping fees.

Taxes: Clearly outline any applicable taxes based on the customer's location.

Shipping Costs: Show the shipping fees associated with the selected shipping method.

Discounts: Deduct any discounts or promotional codes applied by the customer.

Order Total: Present the final amount the customer will be charged.

5. Trust Signals

To instil confidence in your customers, include trust signals throughout the page:

SSL Certificate: Ensure your website has a valid SSL certificate, and display it prominently.

Privacy Policy and Terms: Provide links to your privacy policy and terms and conditions for transparency.

Customer Reviews: Display reviews or testimonials from previous customers to build trust.

6. Call-to-Action (CTA)

The CTA button should be prominent and encourage customers to complete their purchase. Use compelling phrases like "Place Your Order" or "Complete Purchase.


The Order Summary/Checkout is a pivotal point in the online shopping experience. A well-designed page can increase conversion rates, reduce cart abandonment, and build trust with your customers. By implementing the key elements and best practices outlined in this article, you can create an effective and user-friendly checkout process that drives sales and fosters customer loyalty.